cache utilities defines a framework for a generic cache. The generic cache will store objects and will
expire the objects when the objects have changed. There are several child packages of the cache package
that have specific implementations of caching including a memory cache, a database cache (requires
utilities.db) and a Xenei cache that will keep two caches synchronized. The memory cache is sensitive
to memory constraints and will release objects from the cache early if the system needs the extra
- AbstractWatchable
- An implementation of Watchable that stores an object and a key to reference it with.
- Cache
- Defines the interface to a cache.
- CacheEntry
- Implements an entry in a cache.
- CacheInternals
- Defines an interface that caches use for inter-cache communication.
- CacheKey
- Implements a Key to look up objects in a cache.
- CompoundWatchable
Defined an interface for Watchable objects that are dependent upon more than one component.
- CompoundWatchableImpl
- A concrete implementation of CompoundWatchable
- DynamicWatchable
- An implementation of Watchable for objects that are always out of date.
- Locker
- Implements a locker ID strategy.
- NoCache
- A Cache implementation that accepts all Watchable objects, but never finds them.
- NonSerializable
An interface that identifies objects that may be derived from objects that are Serializable but
are not Serializable themselves.
- StaticWatchable
- An implementation of Watchable for objects that never change.
- Watchable
- An interface that defines when an object is out of date, its key and its resource.
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