utilities are used in the various xenei projects, and offer functionality that may be useful in
other projects.
- AbstractVersionInfo
A class that provides the basis for retrieving Version Information in a standard fashion. Most
jars contain an concrete implementation of this class
- ByteArrayWrapper
A class the wraps a byte[] and provide methods to load it from an InputStream or write it to an
- Configurable
- Defines an interface for objects that can be configured with a Configurations object.
- Configurations
- Defines an interface that retrieves data from a configuration source.
- ConfigurationsImpl
A concrete implementation of Configurations that reads from a Properties file or another
Configurations implementation.
- DefaultComparator
- A Comparator implementation that compares Sortable, Number, String and Object objects.
- Hex
- Encode byte and byte[] to hex strings.
- PriorityQueue
- Implements a PriorityQueue. Priority is only assessed on insertion.
- Queue
- Implementes a FIFO Queue.
- QuickSort
- Implements a QuickSort algorithem for several container types as well as a unique method.
- ResourceLoader
- Locates and loads various resource types from the classpath.
- SearchData
- Locates an object in a sorted container using a binary search.
- Sizes
- An interface that defines the number of bytes in a KB, MB and GB.
- Sortable
- An interface that defines an object as being sortable.
- SortedCollection
- A collection of sorted objects.
- SortOrder
- A utility class to defind ASCENDING and DESCENDING sort orders.
- Status
- An interface that defines a status report.
- TimeInfo
- An interface that defines clock ticks per second, minute, hour, and day.
- URLTools
- An class that manipulates URLs.
- VersionInfo
- A concrete implementation of AbstractVersionInfo for the Xenei Util jar.
- XeneiException
- An exception that wraps another exception.
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