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When first building a Xenei project, it is recommended to build the release target. The release target builds everything, including the API documentation. If this build is successful the environment and configuration are validated.

Building in Eclipse

If all libraries are defined Eclipse should be able to build the projects. The default Eclipse settings will cause the projects to be built as they are imported. This may not work correctly until the properties are adjusted.

NOTE: Xenei projects require the use of Ant and the associated build.xml Ant control file to build everything correctly. However basic compiles inside Eclipse do work. The build.xml and files control the operation of Ant.

To build a project using Ant from within Eclipse right-click on the build.xml in a project's root directory and select Run Ant.... Choose a target and it should build correctly.

Building from the command-line

If all libraries are installed on the development computer and the Java SDK is setup, then position to the home (root) directory of each project and run the command:

ant release

Several Ant targets are provided to perform each major step required for a release. These are summarized in the table below.

Target Usage
compile Compiles the code into class files.
jar Compile + create the jar
zipSrc Zip the source and directories.
javadocs Create the API documentation
docs Build the standard documentation
package jar + zipSrc + docs
release All cleans + package and creates the release zips.
clean Cleans build directories
prepare Prepares (creates) build directories
cleandoc Cleans the document directories.
preparedoc Prepares (creates) the document directories.
cleanrelease clean + cleandoc
preparerelease prepare + preparedoc
variables List the variables and their values
dump List the properties.
preparewar Prepares the war directories (not available in all projects)
war preparewar + jar + Create the war file. (not available in all projects)
war_min prepareware + jar + Create a minimal war file used for updates. (not available in all projects)
preparewebapp Creates the webapp directories (not available in all projects)
webapp preparewebapp + jar + Creates the webapp defaults. (not available in all projects)

Required Properties

The Xenei build scripts requrie several properties to function correctly. These are usually set in the file, however, they can be set on the Ant command line or within the build.xml.

Property Name Usage
product.handle The code name for the current product build. This is displayed in the version information.
deprecation The JVM deprecation switch
build.compiler One of the compiler types for the Ant javac task. See Ant documentation for details.
optimize The optimize parameter for the Ant javac task. See Ant documentation for details.
verbose The verbose parameter for the Ant javac task. See Ant documentation for details.
debug The debug parameter for the Ant javac task. See Ant documentation for details.
jar.files A list of non-Java files that should be added to the jar. These are usually property files. Multiple files should be separated by commas and may be continued by ending the line with a backslash '\'.
relative.dirs The list of directories that should be included in the source tree. Must include the . directory if the current code is to be compiled. It is usually used to include code outside of the source tree into the compile, for example when merging code into a new project.
Name The formal name of the application. This value may include spaces and should be mixed case as appropriate. It is displayed in the version information.
name The name of the application as it appears in file names. Should be lowercase without spaces, slashes, backslashes, colons or other characters not normally allowed in file names.
version.number The version number of the product being built.
doc.packages The package names that should be included in the documentation. Value may include a wildcard (e.g. org.xenei.util.*). This option is most often used in conjunction with the relative.dirs parameter.
lib.environment A list of libraries that are expected to be in the environment (e.g. imago.jar for imago extension code, or servlet.jar for the imago code). Jars listed in this parameter are required and used for compilation but are never included in the release packages.
lib.external A list of 3 rd-party libraries that are required to for the build.
lib.internal A list of Xenei libraries that are required for the build.
package.dirs A single directory. This should match the shortest package name provided by the application (e.g. org/xenei/imago). It is primarily used to located classes, source files, and to create the version information property file.
source.package This should be the shortest package name provided by the application (e.g. org.xenei.imago)

Optional Properties

The Xenei build scripts allow for several optional properties. These may be set in the build.xml,, or on the command line when Ant is started.

Property Name Default Value Usage
main.class none Defines the default class in the resulting jar file. name property value Defines the application name in the servlet container webapps directory. This is most often used when building extensions for other applications (e.g. imagoX) property value. Defines the name of the war file.
run.dir XENEI_ROOT/webapps Defines where to build the webapp target. This is most often used to force the build to replace and existing webapp installation.
product.dir name property value Defines the directory name for this project. The directory is located immediately under the XENEI_ROOT directory.
relative.dirs . The list of directories that should be included in the source tree. Must include the . directory if the current code is to be compiled. It is usually used to include code outside of the source tree into the compile, for example when merging code into a new project.
class.dir XENEI_ROOT/product.dir/bin Defines the directory that the class files will be built in.
lib.dir XENEI_ROOT/lib Defines the directory where the external libraries can be found and where the build process will place the jars that are created. none The internal libraries that must be included in a minimal release.
lib.min.ext none The external libraries that must be included in a minimal release.
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